Thursday, January 3, 2013

Santa gets a high five. That's about it!

So here it is - 2013.  Anyone else think that's such an odd year?  I feel weird about it already.  hehehe.  But I think it will be an awesome year for our family.  Here's a recap of the Cassotto happenings in 2012:

- I got pregnant and we had our beautiful baby girl in August.
-We traveled way too many time zones to vacation in Hawaii and visit my sister, Harmony!  
-Randy had his appendix out right before Thanksgiving.
-We visited Ryan and Megan for Thanksgiving in New Hampshire - it was so lovely and now a yearly tradition!
-Red had Speech Therapy for the entire year, but it is likely going to stop next week at his year-evaluation. Yay for his speech development!
-Randy's business kept growing and the highlight of his year was tuning for Tori Amos at Infinity Hall - so cool!

We feel so blessed to have all we have.  Randy and I don't take for granted that we have one another as best friends, 2 beautiful children, a great home in a neighborhood filled with loving and supportive neighbors (and cool neighbors too!), a town we love living in and look forward to sending our kids to school in, and I'll even throw the dog in there - at least Talcott is healthy.  He's moved down a few notches with each child's birth but we still love him. :)

As for 2013, we have a family trip planned to Florida in March (Gracey's first flight!), Randy's going with my brothers and dad to Glacier National Park for their annual trip in September and we are considering a move to a different home sometime in the spring.  We're not sure about that last one, there isn't much out there right now that we can afford and meets our needs, but maybe - just maybe.  We'll stay in Canton and maybe even in our little community if possible but Randy REALLY wants to move and get a 2-car-garage to work out of (he's doing a lot more piano restoration these days) and I justonly KIND of want to move so I can redecorate.  hehehehe.  Don't  you find that its usually one person pulling a little harder in these cases?  

The holidays were fun with Red this year - he still is DEATHLY afraid of Santa so I didn't get any pictures because he would only give him a high five!  He was crying and would NOT go up to sit on his lap. Can you guess who is Santa?   But here are some other pictures from the holidays and recent happenings:  

Thanksgiving in NH - all three Cassotto grandbabies

Christmas day at Grammy & Grampy's home (aka Randy's parents)

A Brisky beach walk in New Hampshire after Thanksgiving

I'm 3 months old today!

2012 Christmas Card

This is for Randy - he thinks I don't love Talcott anymore but I'm putting him into the blog to prove Randy wrong!
The headband is rediculous, I know.  I can't help myself.  :)

I love using iPhone apps to adjust pictures - so easy and fun!

Our first Christmas at home by ourselves just as a little family - it was great and I had to show Gracey's cheetah slippers.

Poor Logan - he loved Santa for a minute or two but then decided he wanted OUT!

Gracey loves her Nonni, Grace Kulinski, who she was named after.

TOTALLY RANDOM - but have any of you tried the HAC makeup method yet? (Highlight and Countour) I just started dabbeling in it and you can see in this picture my results - I think it takes a while to get used to doing it on your face but I like it!

Grammy loves clothes shopping for her grandbabes!

Red has always had a special affinity for his Auntie Meggie.  But now that he can say RyRy, he asks for his Uncle all the time now!

ha - love this Christmas Eve pajama outfit!


I love the Babies R Us Organic line of clothes - super cute and soft!

At least one of our kids liked Santa!  

Besides the fact that Red was walking around like this for an hour because he wouldn't put his pants on, notice those CASSOTTO THIGHS!  WOAH, he is strong for a tiny nugget!

I surprised Randy one Friday night before Christmas with one of his Christmas gifts - a new pair of going-out-fun shoes (something we're always fighting over because he never has any good ones so he wears his work shoes all the time - I got him Keans) and a SURPRISE DATE NIGHT!  His mom came over to put Red to bed and we left after I put G down - it was glorious.  :)

Until next time, Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see the recap of the year and read about the coming year, too. You guys have a gorgeous family and the cutest little kiddos ever. Can't wait to see you all again!
